A mind-boggling 314 bottles of nail polish live in my house. Somehow they just keep creeping in!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 6 - Purple

[ETA: I tried to post this yesterday when I got home at 11pm, but my internet crashed and until my landlord fixes it, she offered for me to pay $5 a day to use her wireless, which I passed on. So I'm now posting it at school, a day late :( but don't worry, I'll post today's post today too.

Good evening,

Just a very short post today, on day 6 of the challenge.  Today was a very busy day, with lots of classes, work, homework, and grocery shopping! I did still paint my nails the requisite PURPLE, but I only have a few quick pictures, without even much cleanup unfortunately.

Base color is OPI Rumple's Wiggins.  I actually love this pastel purple! I didn't think I liked pastel colors, but the light blue Wet n Wild, the SH Mellow Yellow, and this color have definitely converted me. This color is fit for springtime! It applies very opaquely and smoothly for a pastel. I did 2 coats and SV top coat.  I love this.

The accent nail is 2 coats of Rumple's Wiggins and 2 coats of Orly Fowl Play.  I was surprised, this was very opaque! I'm not sure the base color even lightened it at all.  It went on very smoothly, practically painting itself.  However... this is one of the most popular new colors recently ... and yet... I'm just not loving it.  The red flakes are unique and lovely, but I am just not a fan of very dark, vampy colors.  This is just one step away from being black in some lights... which is one step too close for me.  Don't worry, I'm sure I'll swap this one with somebody who really wants it and will give it a good home. :)

Fast pics, indoor light, no cleanup (cuticle oil on too):

And I took one pic outside:

Keep painting,


  1. Nope. I don't like this one. At first glance it looks like you have one very injured finger. Like you hit it with a hammer. Unless you were going for that effect - in that case, bravo.

  2. I wasn't a huge fan either of the accent color, but I'm writing up 2 new posts right now!


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